
power on是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

power on

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1.开机 ■ 储存桶满( Tank Full) ■ 电源开Power On) ■ 冲洗中( Flushing) ...

5.打开电源 ... Power Off 保持机器处于关机状态 Power On 保持机器处于开机状态 Reset Configuration Data (重置配置数据) ...


1.These exercises (see "Jump Up to Speed, " below) mimic parts of the running stride and help give you more push-off power on the road.这些练习(详见下文“跳出来的速度”)模拟了部分跑步迈腿的过程,(通过训练)可以在路跑时获得更多的蹬力。

2.With Congress frozen and an election looming, Mr Obama has been trying to exert power on his own.在国会停滞,大选逼近的情况下,奥巴马努力靠自己加强权力。

3.While work respect orientation and social responsibility orientation has no significant predictive power on organizational commitment.而敬业取向和社会责任取向对其组织承诺的预测性影响并不显著。

4.But Hangzhou also reminds us that when China was the greatest power on earth, it was a society open to influences from all the known world.但杭州也提醒我们,当中国是这个地球上首屈一指的大国时,他亦受到了来自整个已知世界的影响。

5.Her arrival in Mr Stevens's place will not much change but should at least preserve the existing imbalance of power on the court.她接替史蒂文斯的位置虽然不会使最高法院的力量均势发生重大变化,但至少可以保持这种平衡。

6.The way you win in the late game is by using the Stasis Field support power on enemy Avatars to freeze them up for you to break through.在游戏后期你取胜的方式是在你进攻的时候,在对方的圣灵上使用静力场支援能力来冻住它们。

7.The power-on test will prompt you to start the configuration utility if it runs into a configuration mismatch.如果加电测试程序发现不当配置,就会提示用户启动配置应用程序。

8.He first tried to use water currents hydro power on a small scale, but said the experiment became too expensive.他最开始尝试小规模水流发电,但是,他说试验成本太高了。

9.On July 13th Mr Kan said he wants Japan to reduce nuclear power on safety grounds, if not to get rid of it altogether.7月13日菅直人表示如果不是全部取消,他想日本在安全基础上减少使用核能。

10.The through panel connector is ideal for accessing power on the side of a cabinet, panel or machine without the need to open up the door.该平板连接器是访问在橱柜,平板或机器内侧的电源,而不需要打开大门的理想选择。